Supporting Your Team


Do you know how your team is performing?

1. Assess

If you already have an idea of the challenges your team is facing in regards to burnout, or sustaining creativity, book a FREE 15-minute call with me to talk about the options for your team. 

2. Diagnose

If you want to get an overview of how your team is measuring in terms of early signs of burnout, share this quiz with your team. Alternatively, get in touch with me about how we can collate your team’s results and share them with you. 

3. Treat

Marie’s series of talks, programmes and coaching can be catered to your team’s requirements, helping employees learn the tools needed to manage stress, cope with their workload, and build resilience.

What can Marie do for your teams?


Marie is no stranger to adversity and overcoming challenge, having survived bulimia and complete burnout in her fashion career at just 32.

Now fully recovered, and through the lens of a burnout survivor and wellbeing expert, Marie shares her strategies through inspirational talks & programs that can help your teams.


build the tools to stay resilient & productive in crisis & challenge


take ownership of their own physical & mental wellbeing


thrive under pressure


maintain motivation and performance when the goal posts are shifting


show up as their best self at work


set boundaries to prevent burnout



Marie speaks from the heart about the one trend that is not going to fade away – Fashion + Mental Health. Her acclaimed talks on resilience and wellbeing blend her expertise in fashion, wellbeing, and personal recovery from burn-out into inspirational and interactive experiences.

  • 45-90 minutes delivered in person or on zoom


From your design to marketing teams, buying to finance, boardroom to shop-floor, Marie’s programmes facilitation for executives and teams taking wellbeing and human sustainability to the core of their business with practical, hands-on tools to sustain results.

  • programs from 2-8 sessions online or in person


Working with individuals or groups, Marie’s coaching maximises strengths while overcoming obstacles. Marie unearths potential and unlocks the resilience that’s within each of us, to manage emotions, mindset and perform under pressure.

  • a monthly webinar plus access to support for an agreed amount of time per month for your team


Get in Touch